

A side-view of a classroom filled with people listening attentively to a presenter

Tetra Tech offers strategic communications expertise to accelerate and improve community-based public outreach and stakeholder involvement for small-scale projects and large environmental programs.

We have supported thousands of strategic communications activities for government and commercial clients. Tetra Tech’s communications specialists develop action-oriented strategies for our clients to meet their program goals. We first identify the underlying drivers and client objectives before applying market-based research tools such as 数据分析 and surveys to determine target audience behavior. We then develop key messages that will resonate with those audiences.

使用我们的 引领科学® 方法, we broadcast those messages across relevant platforms that include feedback mechanisms such as our Volans三维空域可视化工具 to quantify the effectiveness of communication campaigns. We leverage the combined knowledge and local experience of scientists, 研究全球最大体育平台员, 工程师, web开发全球最大体育平台员, 平面全球最大体育平台师, and media specialists to tailor products and messages that advance our clients’ projects.

A classroom of people watching a speaker presenting with a large poster as campaign materials


Tetra Tech wrote the book on how to develop successful public outreach and stakeholder engagement programs through our support of 美国.S. 环境al Protection Agency’s (EPA) “Getting in Step” 系列. “Getting in Step” is used throughout 美国nited States to educate and train state and local agency personnel on developing effective outreach programs in their communities. Our programs have been nationally recognized for their successful outreach and engagement. 2013年,美国环保署将我们的 阿拉巴马州伯明翰社区参与计划 年度最佳社区参与计划. Tetra Tech uses these best practices globally to help clients develop strategic communications that increase engagement with target audiences and achieve project goals.

  • 研究本地障碍, 感知, and target audience behaviors through comprehensive stakeholder mapping
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses of existing programs
  • Engage underrepresented and diverse stakeholders to provide equal access to information and decision-making processes
  • Address diversity, 股本, 包容 (DEI), environmental justice (EJ) objectives
  • Develop key messaging, talking points, and frequently asked questions
  • Prepare outreach, community involvement, and stakeholder engagement plans
  • Cultivate and strengthen community and strategic partnerships to address local barriers and improve diversity, 股本, 包容, 与正义(DEIJ)
Original graphic developed by Tetra Tech that depicts a healthy and unhealthy freshwater stream in the upper reaches of the Chesapeake Bay watershed
Original graphic developed by Tetra Tech that depicts a healthy and unhealthy freshwater stream in the upper reaches of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.


Tetra Tech creates easy-to-understand materials that effectively communicate information to engage targeted audiences. To tailor messages, materials, and events, Tetra Tech uses demographic GIS and U.S. Census data to help identify key target audience characters and hard-to-reach audiences. This 方法 identifies who, where, and why to focus our strategic communication efforts.

  • Design original artwork and infographics, such as signs, displays, posters, and promotional items
  • Develop ArcGIS StoryMaps, online tools, animations, and videos
    Write and publish articles, press releases, media alerts, brochures, and fact sheets
  • Manage social media campaigns, websites, and applications
  • 准备报告和简报材料

We draw upon the experience and knowledge of our staff and TetrAbility员工资源组 改善准入和包容性. 我们提供多语种材料, 508 -兼容的材料, and tailored content for various audiences and education levels to improve the accessibility experience.

A group of participants networking during the public meeting

Meetings, Webcasts, Hearings, and Event Facilitation

Tetra Tech gathers specific characteristics for each target audience, then designs tailored methods to obtain feedback through activities such as in-person focus groups, 在线调查, 研讨会, 社区会议. Depending on how the community best receives and shares information, we include additional strategic communication activities such as signage and additional community events. These outreach events increase knowledge and build community cohesiveness and support for our clients’ projects.

  • Conduct efficient and productive in-person and hybrid meetings and events, 参与者从少数到数千全球最大体育平台不等
  • Develop agendas, solicit speakers, and publicize events
  • Provide logistical support including online registration, 支付集合, 会议场地预订
  • Coordinate audiovisual (AV) support for livestreaming and recording
  • Prepare presentations, materials, proceedings, and evaluations
  • Conduct virtual events with simultaneous interpretation for global audiences
  • 创建 虚拟会议室和显示器
  • Facilitate productive meetings and maximize participation
  • 支持数百个国际会议 环保署的全球甲烷倡议

与我们联系. 全球最大体育平台的战略沟通专家.

